Integrate Jira with Cobalt

Set up an integration to push Cobalt findings to Jira.

Synchronize Cobalt findings with Jira issues bi-directionally. The availability of this feature depends on your PtaaS tier.


As an Organization Owner or Member, you can integrate Jira with Cobalt to streamline your workflows. With this integration, you can:

  • Push Cobalt findings as issues to your Jira project.
    • The auto-push option allows you to push findings to Jira automatically.
    • Pentest collaborators can also push findings manually—if they’re not already synchronized.
  • Synchronize the status of Jira issues with Cobalt findings once your team has completed remediation.

The integration works through Cobalt plugins for Jira available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Jira Setup Cobalt Plugin for Jira Configuration Guide
Jira Cloud Cobalt for Jira Cloud Jira Cloud Integration
Jira Server and Data Center Cobalt for Jira DC/Server Jira Server and Data Center Integration

If you have problems with your integration, see our troubleshooting guide. To get more help, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click to view answers.

What is a finding?

What is a Jira issue (ticket)?

Which required fields are supported to create Jira issues?

Does the integration support custom required fields?

Does the integration support the Component field on Jira issues?

What types of Jira projects does the integration support?

How often findings are synchronized between Cobalt and Jira?

Will historical findings be synchronized after I configure the Jira integration for a pentest?

Can I set up the Jira integration if I sign in using single sign-on (SSO)?

Jira Cloud Integration

Push Cobalt findings to your Jira Cloud.

Jira Server and Data Center Integration

Push Cobalt findings to your Jira Server or Data Center.

Push Cobalt Findings to Jira

Streamline your remediation workflows with the Jira integration.

Synchronize Cobalt Severity Levels with Jira

Learn how to push severity levels to Jira.

Switching to a New Jira Instance

Learn how to reconfigure your Jira integration with Cobalt.

Troubleshoot Your Jira Integration

Troubleshoot common issues with Cobalt plugins for Jira.

Last modified July.07.2024