Create or Modify an Asset

Run this sequence of REST calls to create an asset.

Use this document with our Cobalt API documentation to define your assets on the Cobalt platform.

To use our API, you need a Cobalt account with membership in your organization. Your organization owner can create an account and assign you as a member. Your organization owner is typically the user who interacts with the Cobalt Customer Success Manager (CSM).

You can create an asset in the UI. If you prefer to automate the process and/or work from the command line, you can also use our API.

To create or modify an asset with our API, follow the sequence of commands shown on this page.

What You Need

Create an Asset

You can create an asset with the following REST call:

curl -X POST "" \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  --data '{
            "title": "Test Asset",
            "description": "How to describe the asset to our pentesters",
            "asset_type": "web"
          }' \

For more information on each parameter, see our API reference documentation on how to Create an Asset.

The command we use includes a -v, which sets up output in verbose mode. The command works without it. However, you would see no response from this REST call.

When you review the output of the REST call with the -v, look for the line with HTTP/2. If the command is successful, you’ll see

HTTP/2 201Asset created

For a list of error codes, see the Errors section of our API reference.

Next Steps

Once you create an asset, you can:

Find Your Asset ID

To add or modify information related to your asset, you’ll need the asset ID. You can find this ID with the REST call to Get All Assets:

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  | jq .

If you’ve set up more than one asset, you may need to search through the output. You can also limit the number of assets in the output with the limit parameter. For more information about each asset response field, see our API reference to Get All Assets.

Review sample output.

If you’ve set up more than one asset, you’ll see the id in the same object as the title, which you may have used to create the asset.

Save the value of the asset id as YOUR-ASSET-IDENTIFIER. You’ll use that ID, which starts with as_, when updating or uploading information to your asset.

Add or Modify Asset Details

Now that you’ve created an asset and have the asset ID, you can add more information with the following REST call:

curl -X PUT '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  --data '{
            "title": "Updated title",
            "description": "Updated description",
            "asset_type": "web"
          }' \

When you review the output of the REST call with the -v, look for the line with HTTP/2. If the command is successful, you’ll see:

HTTP/2 204Asset updated

For a list of error codes, see the Errors section of our API reference.

Last modified October.22.2024