Push Cobalt Findings to Jira

Streamline your remediation workflows with the Jira integration.

Learn how auto-push works and how to push findings to Jira manually.

How Auto-Push Works

Once an Organization Owner or Member has enabled the Jira integration on a pentest, findings start to automatically synchronize with the selected Jira project. The Auto-Push option is enabled by default.

Here’s how auto-push works:

  • When a new finding in the Pending Fix state is created on a pentest in Cobalt, a new issue is created in your Jira project.
    • The issue status in Jira is based on the project configuration. It’s the first status in your project workflow, for example, To Do.
    • If the integration is enabled on a pentest with existing findings, Jira tickets are created for them retroactively.
  • Findings whose state is not Pending Fix are not automatically pushed to Jira. If the finding state changes to Pending Fix, the finding is automatically pushed.
  • Once an issue is created in Jira, the issue ID appears on the finding in Cobalt under External Issue Tracking. Click the link to navigate to the issue.

    Jira issue link on the finding page

Turn Auto-Push on or Off

As an Organization Owner or Member, you can turn auto-push on or off for specific pentests as needed.

  1. In Cobalt, go to Integrations > Jira > Configuration.
  2. For the desired pentest, turn the Auto-Push toggle on or off.

    Turn auto-push on or off for specific pentests

When auto-push is turned off, Jira issue statuses are still synchronized with Cobalt finding states.

Push Findings Manually

As a Pentest Team Member, you can push findings to Jira manually—if they’re not already synchronized. This may be needed if:

  • Auto-push is turned off on a pentest; or
  • The finding state is other than Pending Fix, even though auto-push is enabled. If you want to push findings in other states, you can do it manually.

To push a finding to Jira manually:

  1. On the pentest page, navigate to the Findings tab, and select the desired finding.
  2. Select External Issue Tracking, then select Create issue in JIRA.
Last modified June.06.2023