Release Notes: January 2024

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January 2024

Enhancements to Improve Transparency and Accountability in Carry Over Finding Process

To address issues with findings not being carried over from previous pentests, we have implemented the following improvements:

Clarity in Carry Over Finding Process:

  • Added “this action cannot be undone” language in confirmation modals.
  • Updated the blue banner to persist (not dismissable) to ensure all findings are addressed.

Review Findings Banner

“Not Applicable” Option:

  • Introduced an option to indicate that a finding was reviewed as part of the current test but was not applicable.
  • Testers are required to provide reasons for marking a finding as “Not Applicable,” enabling staff to provide additional context to customers if needed.
  • These enhancements aim to enhance transparency and trust with our customers by ensuring that all findings from previous pentests are thoughtfully reviewed and addressed accordingly.

Confirm Finding is Not Applicable

Last modified October.22.2024