Analyze Your Assets Using Insights

Get insights into the security posture of your assets.

Insights provide you an overview of all pentests performed across all assets with Cobalt. Analyze these metrics to see how the security posture of your organization evolves across assets or as an aggregate.

Insights Overview

On the Insights page, you can filter data by:

  • Asset: one, multiple, or all
  • Timeframe

To download the report as a PDF file, select Download.

Analyze the security posture of your assets using Cobalt Insights

Summary Information

At the top of the page are key metrics for the selected asset and timeframe. You can see the number of:

  • Pentests performed
  • Aggregated testing hours
  • Findings reported
  • Open findings
  • Resolved findings

Here are some best practices for analyzing this data. Select the key to expand each section.

Compare data between assets.
Compare data between pentests performed on the same asset.


Charts visualize data for the selected asset and timeframe. Point to the chart to view tooltips with detailed information.

ChartDescriptionHow to Use This Data
Risk OverviewAggregated Risk for assets compared to the Cobalt Average.
- Aggregated Risk is the sum of the risks of individual findings discovered in a pentest.
- Cobalt Average for a given year is the average of the Aggregated Risk of all pentests conducted across all customers in that year.

Risk Overview chart in Insights
- Compare your Aggregated Risk to the Cobalt Average to see how your security posture stands compared to others.
All FindingsOpen (Pending Fix) and Resolved findings for each asset:
- Pending Fix findings are broken down by severity levels.
- Resolved findings are marked as Fixed, Accepted Risk, or Carried Over.

Learn more about the meaning of each finding state.

All Findings chart in Insights
- Analyze the number of findings that pentesters reported on each asset.
- Identify assets with Critical vulnerabilities to start remediating them first.
- Locate assets with Pending Fix (open) findings to remediate them.
All Findings by TypeFindings broken down by types for each asset.

We define vulnerability types based on the industry standards such as the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database. If we discover more than 10 types of findings in your asset, we only show the top 10 types and mark others as Remaining Types.

All Findings by Type chart in Insights
- Identify shortcomings in how your systems were developed and what the engineering team should focus on.
- Find patterns emerging across multiple asset types. Based on this data, you may want to arrange a training for your teams to fix the root cause of findings.
Findings by Status and SeverityFindings broken down by states and severity levels for each asset.

Findings by Status and Severity chart in Insights
- See how your teams are performing to remediate findings across different severity levels.
- Find areas of challenge in the remediation process, and facilitate the progress.
Time to Fix by SeverityTime in days taken to fix findings broken down by severity levels.

Time to Fix by Severity chart in Insights
- See how your teams are progressing in the risk remediation within an asset or across all assets.
- Estimate the effort and time required for remediation to minimize risks.
Last modified January 15, 2025